Magnetic Metamaterial



A device to boosts MRI scans to provide clearer images in less time. It is small enough for a patient to wear inside the machine, that could boost the signal and provide higher-resolution images at lower magnetic strengths. It is made up of an array of small cylinders called helical resonators. Each of these tubes stands about 3 cm (1.2 in) tall, and is made of a 3D-printed plastic shell wrapped in a coil of thin copper wire. These resonators amplify the magnetic field of the machine, significantly boosting the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and producing clearer images of the body in about half the time.

[Source: New Atlas. 6 June 2019. Michael Irving]

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Ian Seed
Author: Ian Seed
Created: 2019-06-06 Modified: 2020-07-03